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HOME THE GROUP A word from CEO About CDC The Organization Social and Environmental Responsibility Our values Our Areas of Intervention Our Holdings Our partners Our Subsidiaries OUR ACTIVITIES Banking Services / Deposits and Consignations Real Estate Promotion Investment and Financing Local Communities Energy and Sustainable Development PROJECTS Real estate Energy Unclaimed assets Consignment OYIS Housing CAREERS HR Policy Work at the CDC Internships MEDIAS CONTACT
A word from CEO About CDC The Organization Social and Environmental Responsibility Our values Our Areas of Intervention Our Holdings Our partners Our Subsidiaries Banking Services / Deposits and Consignations Real Estate Promotion Investment and Financing Local Communities Energy and Sustainable Development Real estate Energy Unclaimed assets Consignment OYIS Housing HR Policy Work at the CDC Internships
A word from CEO Marius Issa NKORI
Becoming the benchmark investor and lender in the public financial sector has been the key word in the strategy of the Deposit and Consigment Fund (DCF) of Gabon since its creation in 2010.

Achieving this objective requires the development of tools, methods and instruments that guarantee innovation, service quality and availability as well as the profitability of activities and investments.

It is with this in mind that the new version of the DCF website, whose vitality and discovery of the sections will give you an overview of our missions, values, activities and internal organisation.

It is also an opportunity to get to know our strategy, the services we offer, our performance through our activity reports and our economic and financial news.

Do not hesitate to share with us your opinions, your particular requests and your expectations...

Enjoy your navigation.

Marius Issa NKORI
CEO at Deposit and Consigment Fund (DCF)

About the CDC

Financial institution, created in the form of a public industrial and commercial establishment (EPIC);

Public entity under private law;

Governance ensured by a Board of Directors;

This legal status gives agility to:

  • Fulfill its public service missions and serve the general interest;
  • Adopt management standards inspired by the private sector, based on profitability and performance.

The CDC has an administrative and financial management autonomy while being placed under the supervision of the Ministry in charge of the Economy.

Why a DCF in Gabon?

Increase and multiply public action;

Responding to the economic and social challenges of the State;

Support public policies by financing structural needs and national priorities, in particular the primary mission of collecting and securing savings;

Transforming deposits into productive jobs, by working as long-term investors and lenders;

Contribute to the diversification of the economy by intervening in public policy development strategies and plans ;

To have an investor who can be a precursor in promising sectors of activity, new or immature, to be encouraged but which do not yet attract private investors;

Finally, as a public development finance institution, it is the first long-term investor capable of supporting structuring investments of general or collective interest and economically viable.

Management of deposits and funds allocated to institutions (allocations and assigned resources of revenue and advance agencies, public projects and programmes, administrations, companies and public institutions, etc.);

Bookkeeping of the accounts of institutions and legal professionals and other professionals acting as depositaries;

Protection of regulated savings and third-party funds held by legal professionals, funds admitted on consignment, popular savings of pension funds and passbook savings accounts;

Deposit and Consigment Fund (DCF) is a new type of public investor, with public-interest missions in support of public policies conducted by the State and local authorities in the field of development. It is an institutional investor and a long-term lender;

To fulfil this mission, the DCF needs more long-term resources that will enable it to become a benchmark financial support for real estate development and acquisition, infrastructure financing, as well as low-cost financing, social housing and land use planning.

As a Caisse de dépôt, we must have abundant and long-term resources to enable it to play its role as a long-term investor effectively and to support public policies effectively;

The CDC business model is based on the structure of a long liability to avoid the constraints of access to liquidity or asset volatility, which implies:

  • A high level of equity capital;
  • Long-term resources managed under public mandates, as a trusted third party;
  • Financial instruments for collecting and mobilising savings.

The financial model responds to the need to allocate liability resources optimally according to their maturity to uses with corresponding maturity, according to standard orthodoxy;

This optimal allocation of resources makes it possible to maximise returns;

As a development institution with a long-term financing obligation, it goes without saying that the volume of long-term resources must significantly outweigh short-term resources, and CDC has just reversed its balance sheet structure: long-term resources, which in 2012 represented only 30% of total resources, now represent 52% of the Total Balance Sheet.

Our vision

Affirm our role in boosting the financial policy of the State, as an investor and long-term lender;

Strengthen the financial base;

Secure investments and strengthen customer confidence;

Position itself on sectors identified as strategic, promising and priority sectors;

Ensure financing for priority sectors, particularly social housing and SMEs;

Ensure the management of mandates entrusted by the State (infrastructure, environment, etc.);

Continuously adapt the methods of intervention and the business lines to the economic challenges.

Key figures for year 2018 of the Caisse des Dépôts are as follows:

Our values
Our values are defined through ethics and professional conduct.

Performance is our credo in our approach to producing the wealth that guarantees our prosperity.


This leitmotiv guides our action to support public policies by ensuring respect for people, regulations and the environment


Proactivity is our ability to innovate and drive decisive economic, social and technological changes.

Safety and security

Security is our ability to fulfil our role as a trusted third party of reference.

Our areas of intervention

Deposit and Consigment Fund' intervention strategy is to position itself on the sectors identified as carriers and priorities, in particular housing and small and medium-sized businesses on the one hand.

Then to ensure the management of the mandates entrusted by the State in the domains such as social infrastructures, energy, on the other hand.

Deposit and Consigment Fund is present in nine (9) sectors of activity of the national economy.

The strongest exposures are observed in the sector of the exploitation and the wood processing, through: Rougier Africa International (RAI), Company of Wood Development (Somivab), SFM Africa, GSEZ.

Our holdings









Our partners fall into two categories:
  • For the collection of deposits and consignments:
    • The Notaries
    • The bailiffs
    • The Lawyers
    • Public Service Concessionaires
    • Public bodies with management autonomy
    • Public programme and project managers/directors
    • Public Treasury correspondents
  • With regard to the use of resources:
    • Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
    • Local authorities
    • Housing operators
    • Banking and financial institutions
    • Other third parties
Our Organization
Our Subsidiaries

Private equity fund management company

Subsidiary in charge of real estate development

Social and Environmental Responsibility

Invested in a mission of public service and public interest, the Deposit and Consigment Fund (DCF) intends to affirm its vision and commitments in its role as a key player in Gabonese development and as an accompanist in public Policy. With local influence, the DCF is positioning itself as a preferred partner of gabonese institutions, professionals, and local communities.

The Deposit and Consigment Fund (DCF) remains convinced that economic performance is closely linked to respect for the environment and the social concerns of its stakeholders (customers, employees, partners, communities) and the it needs to consider the major issues facing our societies, especially global warming. As a result, its commitment to environmental and social ( E & S )issues is an essential element in achieving strategic objectives and building an innovative, responsible, citizen and inclusive and sustainable development institution based on its cardinal values.

In a sustainable growth strategy, the DCF wants to maintain a multi-sector and diversified business combined with a robust control of the E & S risks associated with its public institution activities.. Thus, the DCF ranks E & S management as one of its priorities. It is within this framework that it has set up an environmental and social management system (ESMS) complies with Gabonese laws and regulations in this area, as well as international standards and standards.

The perimeter of the ESMS covers all the activities of the Deposit and Consigment Fund (DCF). In particular, it covers the loan and financing transactions that the DCF provides to its clients. The covered scope covers the entire loan cycle, from the connection (prospecting) to the end of the commitment with the client.

For users who want more details about the DCF's Environmental and Social Responsibility Policyit is available a manual of the environmental and social management system (MESM) : Manual of the Environnemental and Social Management System

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